Wednesday, September 17, 2008

More beginnings...

9:05 PM Megan: it's all fixed!
no more random white line on the side.
Mallory: Oh yeah? Lemme check it out...
Now we need to add some content.
9:06 PM Megan: indeed.
Mallory: I think we should include that first chat, when you told me about this brilliant idea.
Megan: Okay
9:07 PM Also, I want Sun's puppy!
It's so cute!
Mallory: Haha!
I forgot about that...
9:08 PM So, apparently, sometimes G4 shows Lost 2.0 and sometimes its just regular Lost...
Megan: Silly G4
Mallory: But there's no difference on the programming guide, so the DVR is recording all of it.
9:11 PM So, I have to wait a while to get my serial number from Adobe. I was not expecting that.
Megan: That's a bummer
Although, my computer revolted against Adobe tonight
9:12 PM Either that, or Adobe said "Hey Mozilla, I'm too good for you!"
So then I switched to Chrome.
I swear I could hear Adobe laughing at me.
Mallory: Yeah. And that's assuming that the guy who took my information did what needed to be done with it. He told me he had never sold an adobe student package before, so he wasn't sure what to do...
Megan: hahaha
aw geez
Mallory: I have had problems with Firefox 3 lately.
9:13 PM Megan: You should ask my brother about it. That used to be his job, selling student licenses.
Mallory: Actually, the problems have been on my work machine; it's been fine at home... Hm. Maybe it doesn't like XP
Megan: that could be it, since i'm running XP
k, i posted our first post
Mallory: Awesome!
Megan: and it's even better the second time around.
9:14 PM Mallory: Okay, I will read it.
9:15 PM Also, I was thinking that if we are chatting while watching a particular episode of something, we could name the blog posts with title of the episode (i.e. "Lost: Walkabout"). What do you think?
Megan: Perfect
Mallory: Good.
Megan: Oh, while I'm thinking about it, I'll add you as an administrator.
Mallory: Okay, cool.
9:17 PM It is better the second time!
9:18 PM Megan: Oh, and on Ack Attack, she's going to post the top 50 moments this week!
Mallory: I know! I saw that today!
I am so excited!
Megan: Me too!!
Also, Sawyer is STILL beautiful
9:19 PM Mallory: Indeed.
Megan: So what did you think of House and Wilson breaking up?
Mallory: Aah....well....
9:20 PM I am interested to see how it goes. Though, to be honest, I didn't find the episode to be particularly compelling.
I thought it was on par with other episodes, but didn't really compare to House's Head/Wilson's Heart.
9:21 PM But it was good that House finally was at least somewhat vulnerable
Megan: AKA the House episode that unexpectedly made me cry like a little little girl?
Mallory: Um, yeah, it did the same to me. And I am not a cryer over TV or movies.
Megan: It was insane
9:22 PM and I hadn't even watched the last half of that season. And all of the sudden CTB was dying and 13 likes girls.
Mallory: I know. I watched it a few weeks ago 'cause they aired it as a whole 2-hour thing and I was reminded of how great it was.
Yeah...Olivia Wilde always likes girls in whatever show she's on.
It was the same when she was on The OC.
Megan: Oh yeah!
9:23 PM Mallory: I don't know if that's really her and she can't play a straight person, or what..
Megan: She was the object of Marissa's or whatever her name is, experiementaiton, wasn't she?
Mallory: Yeah, exactly.
Megan: Yeah, I only saw half a season of OC.
I watched just enough to understand SNL parodies.
Mallory: I originally only watched the first 2 seasons, but have since seen the rest of it.
9:24 PM Haha.
It's terribly awesome and awesomely terrible.
Megan: That's what I hear
9:25 PM Wow, in this chat, we covered Lost, House, the OC, and SNL.
Go us.
Mallory: We're on a roll.
By the way, I think our first "real" chat based on an episode should be the pilot of Gilmore Girls.
Megan: Ok. Well, I'll probably end up posting this one anyway.
But I agree.
9:26 PM Mallory: Oh, yeah, definitely, we should post this one, if only for the fact that we've covered so much ground.
Megan: Do you have the pilot of Gilmore Girls?
Or are we going to get together and sit chatting side by side.
Which could also be awesome
Mallory: Yeah, I do, actually. I have it on a single episode DVD...and I think its on the WB site, too.
Megan: Oh right.
9:27 PM Mallory: I think us sitting next to each other and chatting would be something we would do, though.
'Cause why talk when you can type?
9:28 PM Megan: Exactly.
9:29 PM Well, I think I'm going to call it a night.
9:30 PM i gotta go rummage through some boxes.
Mallory: Okay. I'll talk to you later, then.
Megan: Have a good night!
Mallory: Thanks! You too.

How it all got started...

9:58 PM Megan: Lost makes me happy.
Mallory: Me too. :)
9:59 PM Did you watch Lost 2.0?
Megan: No, I don't know if I get g4
Mallory: Ahh.
I am watching it now.
Megan: Was it amazing?
10:00 PM Is it amazing?
Mallory: I don't know yet. I just started.
"This is the first of 17 episodes that start with an eye opening." <-- When Jack's eye opens in the Pilot.
Megan: So I'm watching the pilot over, and like every guy is in love with Kate!
Even Charlie and Sayid at the begining!
Mallory: I know. That's kind of why I hate Kate.
10:01 PM Megan: Good grief.
Mallory: "The role of Jack was originally going to be played by Michael Keaton." I'm glad it's Matthew Fox instead.
10:02 PM Megan: Oh heck me too.
We just watched the part where dear Greg Grunberg get's eaten.
Mallory: awwww
Megan: And to think, the show was going to be about him originally, and Matthew Fox's character was going to kick it.
10:03 PM Mallory: Wow. That would've been something.
Megan: But I think the women of the world (or at least of the focus groups) revolted.
Mallory: There probably would've been a lot less crying, though... (Jears!)
Megan: I'm just emailing my new roommate a link to the ack attack
10:04 PM and I'm subscribing to the daily dose of lost
Mallory: Teeheehee!
10:05 PM I don't think I was able to subscribe to the daily dose...
Megan: i just did
well, to the blog in general
Mallory: I shall try again
10:08 PM Oh, Boone. He's so pretty.
Megan: And yet, has terrible terrible hair
10:09 PM Mallory: You think so? To me it looks like the disheveled look that takes 2 hours to achieve in an attempt to look effortless.
Megan: hahahaha
it's a funny shape
10:11 PM Mallory: Ooh. First sighting of Jears!
12 minutes into the pilot and he's already crying.
10:12 PM Megan: hahahha when kate is stitching him up!
i caught it too!!!
Mallory: Yeah!
Oh, Charlie, you lovable hobbit!
Megan: Oh, Mal, you make me laugh and bring joy to my heart.
10:13 PM Mallory: I'm so glad! You do the same for me. :)
10:14 PM Geez, I feel like it's been ages since I saw this, but it's only been, like 4 months, if that.
Megan: I had a special idea. For when we're ridiculously bored.
Mallory: Oh yeah?
10:15 PM Megan: We do what we're doing now, but then we put our chat on a blog!
Mallory: Gah! I love it!
Megan: We pop in an episode of anything, really, and chat it while watching!
Mallory: Oh my goodness. It's brilliant!
Megan: Think of the possibilities!
Mallory: They're endless!
10:16 PM Gilmore Girls, The Office, Lost...
Megan: I mean, between this idea and my idea of outlining the 50 states next time America hosts the Olympics, it's a wonder people don't pay me for my genius!
10:17 PM Mallory: Oh my gosh, that's so true!
I forgot about outlining the states!
Uh oh...the monster is about to attack!
Megan: Eeesh!
10:18 PM Ok, well I have to go switch my laundry, and then I have to go to bed
Mallory: Okay, so I think we should set this blog up. It should be something like "Meg 'n' Mal:"
Megan: So I can wake up on time tomorrow.
10:19 PM Oh, Sawyer is beautiful
Mallory: Okay, have fun with those things.
LOLMegan: I love it.
So do you want to set it up, or shall I?
Mallory: I don't care. You can if you want, or I will if you want me to.
10:20 PM Megan: I don't care either way
This is very decisive of us
I'll do it when I get off of work tomorrow
Mallory: Yes, true. I thought you were the decisive one!
Megan: Unless you've done it in the mean time
Mallory: OK, sounds good.
10:21 PM Megan: K, enjoy the rest of the pilot!
No pun intended!
Mallory: thanks
Megan: K bye
Mallory: bye